For those who may not know, Fashion Revolution Week is celebrated every year during the week of 24th April. This date has a huge importance to the fashion industry - on this day in 2013, the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed, resulting in 1134 lives lost and many more injured. The building had housed several garment factories and many of them were manufacturing for global fashion brands that we know today. Many of the victims were young women.
This week is important to us as although we don't create garments, many of our products are textile based. We're sharing a photo of one of our weavers in Philippines, who makes some of our beautifully woven towels. We hope to use this week to give recognition to the weavers and craftsmen that make our homeware pieces, where the proceeds go towards our beneficiaries.
You can help create a safer environment for these garment workers in the fashion industry as a consumer. Ask your favourite brands: #whomademyclothes? Encourage these brands to be open and transparent about the people that are producing their garments for them, so that they are seen, heard and given a voice. There are other ways of supporting this initiative, and you can find out more from the Fashion Revolution organisation site.
We hope this little titbit of information has helped you to learn more about this important week!